Paw Pals doggie daycare - 5 day package
Paw Pals doggie daycare - 5 day package
Donated by: Darryl and Shannon Ward, Paw Pals, Inc.
Donated by: Darryl and Shannon Ward, Paw Pals, Inc.
Your maximum bid: $80
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Let your four-legged friend run rampant with his fur buddies. Paw Pals is a great way to exercise your dog, keep your home from being destroyed while you are out, and allow a dog, just to be a dog, socializing with other easy-tempered dogs. 5 day package.
A note from Center for Youth Ministry Training: Our online auction is raising money to support all CYMT programs, especially our graduate "residents" who are in the field mentoring youth. Our "residents" are trained to demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ in their activities every day. Thank you to all of the generous donors. We greatly appreciate all of the supporters participating in these important programs, and we wish you good luck with your bids!
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